Thursday, September 30, 2010

Collaboration Convention & unConference MSP 2010

Over the past few months I have had a number of conversations on Twitter with educators from MN, WI, and IA about holding something like an Edcamp or Educon event in our region. Events like these which are described as unConferences have come to be an emerging phenomena in recent years and a growing trend. However, no one has organized an unConference for educators in our region and the discussion has always been, "We should get something started..." but then it never happens. People get busy and no one ever gets around to taking the reigns and leading such an initiative.

Well, someone did finally take the initiative and finally organized an unConference in St. Paul, MN this November 11th-13th (thanks Jill!). The event is called the Collaboration Convention & unConference MSP 2010 and will be focused around the topics of education, collaboration, web 2.0, and connective learning. I am happy to be involved with this event and think it will be a worthwhile experience for all who attend. Registration is open. Click here for more information.

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