Thursday, September 9, 2010

Weekly Tech Tip - The Third Teacher

Weekly Tech Tip:

I really wish I had more time this week to devote to a better production of this video because I do think it is a very important topic. But, I also think it is an important message to address now as teachers are setting up their classrooms.

Additionally, and on a slightly related topic, this very interesting, thought provoking, and important video was published this week on TED. I highly recommend you take the 17 minutes to watch as the work Dr. Mitra is doing may dramatically transform how we do education globally in the years to come. It is a topic I hope to discuss in the district over the coming weeks.

Blog Carnival:

1 comment:

  1. I could spend a whole day just going through your blog carnival links, I always enjoy what I find. I'll echo your thoughts on The TED video, excellent.
