Monday, October 11, 2010

How the ISTE NETS are an equity issue.

The past three weeks I have been working with teachers in my district on exploring the ISTE NETS. My purpose with these sessions (so far we have had two 1 hour sessions in each building) has been three-fold:
  • Engage teachers in targeted dialogue about the ISTE NETS by having them deconstruct them and focus their meaning.
  • Engage teachers in the use of some tools that they could use with students that address what these standards ask them to do.
  • Through the process of writing our own versions of the standards, have teachers internalize as a goal that which the ISTE NETS asks teachers and students to do.
Up until this point I have been intentionally vague about my purpose in having teachers do this, calculating that the purpose would be revealed through dialogue with each other. While this has, for the most part, happened with most groups I feel the need to start our last sessions this week a more direct and explicit statement of why we are exploring the NETS (and it really doesn't have much to do with technology at all). To do this I will be using the following presentation:

(to view all parts you may need to expand to full-screen.)

Also, this presentation attempts to answer some questions that have arisen as a result of these discussion sessions:
  1. Why do we need to spend all this time talking about technology?
  2. How are we going to be assessed?

1 comment:

  1. It is a good exercise for everyone to review and understand the changing standards, ISTE NETS seem particularly important as they are updated relatively frequently.
