Monday, November 8, 2010

Web 2.0 & Connectivist Learning - Session 2 November 23rd

It has been quite a long time since the kick-off session for Web 2.0 & Connectivist Learning last May. Our next session is scheduled for November 23rd 8:00am-noon (Central Standard Time). In our first session we examined Blogs, Blogging, RSS, and Microblogging. In this next session, titled Cloud Computing & Web 2.0 Tools we will explore social bookmarking tools, social networking tools and web applications. Please visit our course wiki for instructions on how attend this session, how to view the recording of our "kick-off" session, and for links to resources related to the course.

Web 2.0 & Connectivist Learning is a combination online open course and traditional face-to-face professional development cohort. Our sessions may be attended online by anyone for free. Online participation in this cohort may also be applied to one semester continuing education credit from Hamline University.

Click Here for a detailed description of the "for credit" option.

Click Here for "for credit" Registration Form

If you are interested in taking this course (either "for credit" or not) or are interested in learning more about this open course please fill out this form:


Carl Anderson
Hamline University School of Education

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