Thursday, November 4, 2010

Weekly Tech Tip - "Teaching Digital History: Enhancing Active Learning With Technology"

This past Monday I had the pleasure of presenting with Vivian Johnson, Cara Hagen, and Scott Schwister at the Northern Lights Teacher Academy held at the Minnesota History Center Museum. Our session was called Teaching Digital History: Enhancing Active Learning With Technology. This week's tech tip is a recording of our presentation (except for Cara's portion which because of contract conflicts I have substituted a video of Bernie Dodge talking about WebQuests). We created a wiki which we used for our presentation and as a resource for teachers. Our talk was focused for an audience of Minnesota middle school history teachers but the strategies and resources shared have broad applications across all disciplines and many age levels.

Weekly Tech Tip:

Video Festival:

Link Stew:

Blog Carnival:

Retweetable Tweets:
  • Need pedagogy? We need refresher course in Dewey, Bruner, Gardner & # of other thinkers who understand what learning is and can be #abedless than a minute ago via Twitter for iPad

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