Friday, January 21, 2011

Twitter Book Club: Raymond E. Callahan (1962) Education and the Cult of Efficiency - Ch 1

I've been sitting on this series of Twitter Book Club posts for a couple of weeks now and have fallen so far behind my archiving of them that I am already half-way through my next book. Truth is, I really wanted to give these quotes some serious reflection time on my blog but I don't think that is going to happen any time soon. So, the next few posts will simply be archived tweets. Perhaps when things slow down a bit I will go back to these and add some reflection.

What I would like to say was that Callahan's (1962) Education and the Cult of Efficiency was extremely frustrating for me to read. It was frustrating because even though it chronicled events that for the most part took place between the 1910s and 1920s it sounded so much like it was written today about today's shifts, influences, and events shaping education. It certainly feels like we are living through an age of efficiency redux right now. Also, I feel that to spend too much time dwelling on and comparing Callahan's quotes to education today on my blog would be a bit like...what is it they say about dead horses? Anyway, I highly recommend this book even though I found it agitating. I also wanted to say something about knowing history and repeating it but we've been down that road. After reading this book it makes a lot of our current trends in education seem cliche, like a broken record...Oh, but no one buys records anymore, I forgot. So, it is unlikely people don't know what they sound like...

The Prelude 1900-1910

"One of the most important factors was the McGuffey Readers. Millions of Americans in their formative years learned... than a minute ago via Twittelator

"The business influence was exerted upon education in several ways: through newspapers, journals, and books; throug... than a minute ago via Twittelator

"All through the nineteenth century leading administrators such A's Horace Mann, Henry Bernard, and William T. Harr... than a minute ago via Twittelator

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