Monday, January 10, 2011

Twitter Book Club: Thomss J. Sergiovanni (1992) Moral Leadership: Getting to the Heart of School Improvement - Ch 2

What Motivates? What inspires?

"Our actions and decisions are influenced by what we value and believe, as well as by self-interest. When the two a... than a minute ago via Twittelator

"'What gets rewarded gets done' discourages people from becoming self-managed and self-motivated." Thomas J. Sergiovanniless than a minute ago via Twittelator

In my work as a technology integration specialist I have found myself in many conversations with school principals and building superintendents on this issue. Usually I find myself facing a carrots or sticks argument and for a long time I bought that line. Even though I knew such strategies didn't work well with kids somehow I didn't realize that the same applied for adults. What I have found over the past four years is that when you offer rewards to teachers for technology training there is an early high level of interest but interest in sticking with the program tends to drop rapidly. On the other hand, when a sticks approach is used it puts teachers in the wrong mindset and are not likely to adopt new tools or new practices. What works is to do neither and work with those who want to work with you. This may sound odd, and it is an argument that I have rarely won with administrators I have proposed it to, but it is the only way to make lasting changes. Finding that motivation is often difficult and involves building relationships and allowing for others to be placed in positions to discover new ideas for themselves. It's not so much about delivery of instruction but listening to needs and making suggestions.

"a moral perspective on leadership can help us stop 'playing school' and start 'living school' more authentically." Thomas J. Sergiovanniless than a minute ago via Twittelator

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