Thursday, January 27, 2011

Weekly Tech Tip - "Hey, look over there!"

Weekly Tech Tip:

These past couple weeks there has been a flood of fantastic free online professional development resources for educators published. Rather than create my own Weekly Tech Tip this week I would like to point your attention to a broad range of high quality and valuable online professional development resources. With both live and interactive and recorded workshops, sessions, and discussions on a broad variety of topics related to education there is bound to be something here that addresses the unique needs of each educator.

Live Events:
  • January 28–30, 2011 - EduCon 2.3 - EduCon is an unConference held annually at the Science and Leadership Academy in Philadelphia. I am profoundly jealous and regretful that I have yet to be able to attend. The unConference format means that people don't go to this event to hear keynotes and attend sessions, they go to attend and participate in conversations about education. The event is extremely popular and draws some really awesome people. They stream all their conversation sessions online via Elluminate and most do their best to be interactive both with their face-to-face guests and their online guests.
  • Ongoing Weekly - The Future of Education- Each week Steve Hargadon hosts a conversation with a leading voice in education in Elluminate. These sessions are live and very interactive.
  • The Future of Education - Usually not more than one day following the session Steve Hargadon posts a recording of the sessions in this series both as Elluminate recordings and as podcasts.
  • Reform Symposium Archives - The Reform Symposium is a live online conference but all their sessions have been recorded and are available to watch online for free. These are sessions presented mostly by teachers about innovative and creative uses of technology in the classroom.
Video Festival:

Link Stew:

Blog Carnival:
Retweetable Tweets:

this is all particularly important and relevant bc reformers cite models of military as models for education. Teachers are "Nation builders"less than a minute ago via web

Reminder: Only dead fish go with the flow.less than a minute ago via web

1 comment:

  1. The wealth of online PD opportunities never ceases to amaze me. There really are no excuses! Thank you for introducing me to some new ones.
