Thursday, March 17, 2011

Twitter Book Club: Herb Kohl (2003) Stupidity & Tears - Appendix

Appendix--Developing Teachers for Social Justice: A Report on an Attempt to Keep the Struggle for Social Justice Alive in the Schools

"Over one quarter of all public school teachers in the United States will retire in the next decade. This can provi... than a minute ago via Twittelator

So, here is the charge:
"Over one quarter of all public school teachers in the United States will retire in the next decade. This can provide a great opportunity for the development of energized, young teachers who, as future leaders, might revitalize public education and redefine progressive education according to current needs and struggles. Or, as in California, it can be used as an excuse to mold a new teaching profession that knows only increasingly parsed standards, high-stakes testing, rigidly structured Eurocentric curriculum, English-only learning, and a highly controlled, punitive, banking-system education." Kohl
How have we been doing so far? In two years this text will be a decade old.

"The boundary between teaching students and testing students is becoming increasingly unclear, and the performance ... than a minute ago via Twittelator

Lets repeat that:
"The boundary between teaching students and testing students is becoming increasingly unclear, and the performance gap is increasing. Many people already teaching are demoralized." Kohl

"There's nothing wrong with being a troublemaker in a troubled world." Kohlless than a minute ago via Twittelator

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