Thursday, March 17, 2011

Twitter Book Club: Herb Kohl (2003) Stupidity & Tears - Ch 4

Chapter 4: Topsy-Turvies: Teacher Talk and Student Talk

"When I first began teaching, I didn't know how to speak to or with my students. Standing in front of a group of yo... than a minute ago via Twittelator

@anderscj any idea what Mr Kohls undergrad preparation was? Seems like a huge oversight somehow.less than a minute ago via web

@mnphysicist I would say this is definitely true of most first-year teachers, especially those who go to work in high-poverty schools.less than a minute ago via Twitterrific

@mnphysicist it is a form of culture shock.less than a minute ago via Twitterrific

@anderscj I can see the high poverty thing if they havent been there before.. but w clinicals+student teaching I guess I'm missing somethingless than a minute ago via web

@anderscj with all the publicity on education as of late, its strange that people refer2test scores, even teachers use them 4 comparisonless than a minute ago via web

"One question on the test showed a woman mopping the floor. The question was: She likes to: a) cop, b) hop, c) mop,... than a minute ago via Twittelator

This is a fantastic example of one way tests are inaccurate measurements:
"One question on the test showed a woman mopping the floor. The question was: She likes to: a) cop, b) hop, c) mop, and d) pop. Julia and the rest of the girls in the class refused to answer the question, informing me that she does not like to mop. They could read. But they rejected the premises of the questions. And they felt that truth was stronger than testing. They were six years old." Kohl

"Knowledge and intelligence are more important than conformity to the norms of testing. And the sensible revolt of ... than a minute ago via Twittelator

"New teachers, if they do not come from communities that are similar to those they teach in, are particularly vulne... than a minute ago via Twittelator

"Young people are experts at understanding false pretensions of love and caring." Kohlless than a minute ago via Twittelator

"The question of building trust and developing comfort is not usually a part of teacher education, and the mismatch... than a minute ago via Twittelator

@anderscj the trust and comfort building aspect is something flight instructors are not taught either... gotta learn it the hard wayless than a minute ago via web

@mnphysicist I bet. Somehow that seems more apparently relevant and obvious in your context.less than a minute ago via Twitterrific

"It is essential to understand that many schools and classrooms in the poorest communities in our society are run, ... than a minute ago via Twittelator

"You celebrate the memory of people who are loved and try to move in their jet stream until you find your own way. ... than a minute ago via Twittelator

"We have to become a more literate society, and I think literacy will come not through testing and an obsession wit... than a minute ago via Twittelator

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