Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Twitter Book Club: Jonathan Kozol (1972) Free Schools - Chapter 3

Power: Participation: Sanction: Legal Matters

"Many people who go into Free Schools are so nervous about power, and so uneasy in regard to anyone who holds it, t... http://tl.gd/9bb914less than a minute ago via Twittelator

"Many of us feel so little of self-authenticated 'license for creation' in our own hearts, by the time we finish sc... http://tl.gd/9bbaihless than a minute ago via Twittelator

Lets repeat that one, I think it is real important:
"Many of us feel so little of self-authenticated 'license for creation' in our own hearts, by the time we finish school, that we are afraid to try for anything important unless we have first gotten 'permission' from somebody else who seems more powerful and more important and already 'authorized.'" Kozol

@anderscj Kozol nails the prob w much of music ed/creativityless than a minute ago via web

"there should either be a total commitment to full democratic participation of all people in the school or else the... http://tl.gd/9bbc17less than a minute ago via Twittelator

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