Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Twitter Book Club: Jonathan Kozol (1972) Free Schools - Chapter 10

Funding Strategies: Small Foundations: Middle-Sized Foundations: Ford, Rockefeller, Carnegie

"The difficult task is not so much to get the names of the right places and the right foundations; rather, it is to... http://tl.gd/9d3mddless than a minute ago via Twittelator

Extremely good advice:
"The difficult task is not so much to get the names of the right places and the right foundations; rather, it is to break down those remarkable walls composed of ice-cold secretarial decisions, unanswered phone calls and incredible outer-office waiting areas that seem to stand on every side around the man who has the power to dispense the cash." Kozol

"I find that people who have been poor their whole lives waste less time than overbred Harvard men in getting to the point." Kozolless than a minute ago via Twittelator

"The Free School is established as our answer to an unjust order; yet the money which infuses small foundations, fa... http://tl.gd/9d41h5less than a minute ago via Twittelator

This is such an important passage from this book. Perhaps the best and most relevant definition of the systemic problem we face:
"The Free School is established as our answer to an unjust order; yet the money which infuses small foundations, family charitable trusts, and Ford and Carnegie alike, is in itself one portion of that order, and the charitable trusts and the benevolent foundations in themselves constitute one elemental item in its superstructure. Large numbers of the executives in both large and middle-sized foundations take, as it were, an interchangeable series of positions: this year with Ford, last year with OEO, next year with the CIA...or back to Princeton...It does not require the reading of a left-wing radical polemic, nor even a particularly harsh and strident ideological position to look at the printed list along the masthead of the large or middle-sized foundation and to recognize there the names of just those men who plan our wars, control our armies, advise our presidents, govern our banks, hire our police and lay down the invisible demarcations of our ghettos. To ignore this point, and to assume that we are dealing, in the middle-sized and large foundations, with the antithesis of government and with the well-groomed representatives of the cheated and poor, to assume that next year's Ford Foundation will be different from this year's CIA or last year's OEO is to exist in dreamland." Kozol

@irasocol @DianeRavitch What are your thoughts on this from Jonathan Kozol (1972) ? Http://tl.gd/9d41h5less than a minute ago via Twitterrific

@anderscj I'd say he nails the ways power perverts the idea of charitable "good works" perfectlyless than a minute ago via Seesmic twhirl

@irasocol I thought you'd appreciate that.less than a minute ago via Mobile Web

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