Monday, March 28, 2011

Weekly Tech Tips: Citizen Journalism

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Don't be fooled. GOP had this planned for yrs. Swell deficits w/tax cuts then cry poverty. #WI, #FL, #OH, #MI. We are under attack friends.less than a minute ago via Twitter for Android

"To know that we know what we know, and that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge." ~Thoreauless than a minute ago via Seesmic twhirl

73% of 12- to 17-year olds have at least 1 social networking profile (Pew, 2010). The other 27% LIEDless than a minute ago via TweetDeck

#EpicLibyanMan walking into the sunset with his guitar...... and rocket launcher #libya #feb17 than a minute ago via TweetDeck

You are indeed fortunate if you're teaching in a school where computers are available for teaching and learning - use them! #ictschootipless than a minute ago via web

Uninstalling dictator in progress ... ███████████████████████████ 99% complete #Egypt #Libya #Mubarak #Gaddafi #jan25 #feb17 #p2 #sgp #tlotless than a minute ago via web

. @CBrannon Tell the kids that there is a mean old guy grading the tests who is trying to trick them. Your scores should go up appreciably.less than a minute ago via web

When things get bad, shut down mobile networks & social media. When they get really bad, shut down the internet. #ArabTyrantManualless than a minute ago via web

"Minnesota’s kids deserve better." Read Education Commissioner Cassellius' testimony on House GOP education bill at than a minute ago via web

For those of you new to following me and/or Libya, there's often a grain of truth in rumors. But sometimes they're just bunk. Be skeptical.less than a minute ago via TweetDeck

Testing industry is lobbying now to retain all the testing provisions of NCLB. That's their cash cow. Obama is going along.less than a minute ago via web

#lol Actual question from a new user: "How do I overthrow a dictatorship with this thing?" /via @tsudoless than a minute ago via HootSuite

I loathe education's past & dread its future. This is unhealthy. I'm working through it.less than a minute ago via Twitter for iPhone

Rhee: "I worry about people going into the job with longevity as one of the goals. I’m not a big believer in longevity."less than a minute ago via web

. @radicalgeek You need to look at the trends & how K.A. is discussed along with "School of One" and "Carpe Diem." All bad ideas.less than a minute ago via web

"We agree that all children need to succeed; but do we mean the same thing?" John Holt #edchatless than a minute ago via TweetDeck

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