Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Weekly Tech Tips: Equity Issues in Technology & Education Panel Discussion

It has been nearly a month since my last Weekly Tech Tip post. For the majority of that time our school was on break but in that time there has been a flood of valuable resources to share. Between what is going on in the Middle East, what is going on in Wisconsin, and the Symposium I hosted at Hamline last week I have a lot of resources to pass along this week, far more than usual.

Also, instead of my typical Weekly Tech Tip format, and since processing this video has eaten up my computer resources all week, I am sharing the video of our panel discussion at Hamline University from last week on Equity Issues in Technology & Education. Enjoy.

Weekly Tech Tip:

Panel Discussion on Equity Issues in Technology and Education from Carl Anderson on Vimeo.

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Retweetable Tweets:

Every time I hear the word Rebel I think of Admiral Akbar. Somewhat ironic name. #libya #iran #egypt #yemen #bahrain #starwars #itsatrapless than a minute ago via Twitter for iPhone

#Edchat if schools r preparing learners 4 future society what's the purpose of testing & memorisation?less than a minute ago via Echofon

Do we teachers emphasize traditional colleges/universities too much to the deficit of trade schools? Are we creating social classes? #edchatless than a minute ago via TweetDeck

I have yet to see any real agreement as to what the goal of education should be. #Edchatless than a minute ago via TweetDeck

Proctoring standardized tests can't be much different from working airport securityless than a minute ago via ÜberSocial

Beware of @m_rhee, who attributes way too much in education to test scores. Not a real reformer.less than a minute ago via web

We are happy with the international community response so far, but he answer is no, the #Libyans don't want any military intervention.less than a minute ago via web

#flatclass2011 Take-aways from yesterday 4. Conferences should be about taking action, not taking notes.less than a minute ago via TweetDeck

Just told our testing coordinator that I wish all of it were trashed and we could get her a much more rewarding job. :)less than a minute ago via TweetDeck

Me too! Fired up! RT @e_austin: Thank You, Governor Walker, for helping me get my teachers fired up to fight for our rights.less than a minute ago via TweetDeck

"Micro-computers have been in classrooms for 30 years. We have made little progress with their use in school." -@garystager #fbless than a minute ago via Nambu

for @acarvin, a RT is a source, an interview, a quote. For us, it is insight, first-person accounts previously unimaginable, unavailable.less than a minute ago via web

RT @warrenellis: Gadaffi's speech seems to boil down to "Everyone is on drugs except me. Also I am Batman."less than a minute ago via TweetDeck

Twitter told me there was an earthquake in NZ. Facebook told me all my sister-in-laws family were OK. Different networks both valuable.less than a minute ago via TweetDeck

So facebook is a critical component in fueling a revolution but schools don't think it's appropriate to be used or taught in schools. Huh?less than a minute ago via TweetDeck

@pammoran @aleaness real research begins -as Postman knew- when teachers stop asking questions they know the answers toless than a minute ago via ÜberTwitter

Beiser: Schools were told they could buy art and music teachers. No one did at elementary schools. That means the end of music education.less than a minute ago via TweetDeck

@garystager courts have basically told school administrators, "do what you think is best..." & increasingly, that's not what's best for kidsless than a minute ago via TweetDeck

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