Monday, April 4, 2011

Twitter Book Club: Bell Hooks (1994) Teaching to Transgress - Ch 1

Chapter 1: Engaged Pedagogy

"To teach in a manner that respects and cares for the souls of our students is essential if we are to provide the n... than a minute ago via Twittelator

I feel like on this front the cards are currently stacked against us. This comes down to a matter of trust. Politicians and many school administrators want teacher-proof curriculum. Unfortunately this also means that such a curriculum must also be devoid of soul, that we treat teachers and students like drones, like "products." Under the current climate of "accountability" a curriculum, and even more so a pedagogy, that respects student "souls" is seen as touchy-feely wish-wash and not serious or rigorous. This is a real problem. It represents a disconnect. As educators we work with living beings, to allow scripted models of schooling to proliferate our system is to deny this essential fact.

"I entered the classrooms with the conviction that it was crucial for me and every other student to be an active pa... than a minute ago via Twittelator

Right out of the gates and Hooks is speaking my language.

"Education as the practice of freedom was continually undermined by professors who were actively hostile to the not... than a minute ago via Twittelator

"The idea of the intellectual questing for a union of mind, body, and spirit had been replaced with notions that be... than a minute ago via Twittelator

"Part of the luxury and privilege of the role of teacher/professor today is the absence of any requirement that we ... than a minute ago via Twittelator

I don't know if this is a luxury or rather a consequence of current conditions in education.

"This is one of the joys of education as the practice of freedom, for it allows students to assume responsibility for their choices." Hooksless than a minute ago via Twittelator

"When education is the practice of freedom, students are not the only ones who are asked to share, to confess. Enga... than a minute ago via Twittelator

I think this is an important concept but one that often gets us into trouble:
"When education is the practice of freedom, students are not the only ones who are asked to share, to confess. Engaged pedagogy does not seek simply to empower students. Any classroom that employs a holistic model of learning will also be a place where teachers grow, and are empowered by the process." Hooks
Problem is, those who don't understand the necessity of such an environment for t the purpose of learning will likely say that it is the responsibility of the teacher to teach, to impart knowledge, to make sure learning happens and that this is a job we are paying the teacher to do. Their salary ought to be their reward...not understanding that a reciprocal relationship is a desirable quality in a learning environment.

"When professors bring narratives of their own experiences into classroom discussions it eliminates the possibility... than a minute ago via Twittelator

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