Monday, April 4, 2011

Twitter Book Club: Bell Hooks (1994) Teaching to Transgress - Ch 3

Chapter 3: Embracing Change: Teaching in a Multicultural World

"no education is politically neutral." Hooksless than a minute ago via Twittelator

"it is difficult for individuals to shift paradigms and that there must be a setting for folks to voice fears, to t... than a minute ago via Twittelator

"Many professors have conveyed to me their feeling that the classroom should be a 'safe' place; that usually transl... than a minute ago via Twittelator

I really liked this challenge of Hooks to the notion that our classrooms ought to be safe places. What does that mean? Safe for whom? Safe for the teacher? Safe for the students? Or, safe for the white students? Or, safe for the compliant students? Or, safe for the concrete-sequential learner? Perhaps "safe" classrooms are what we should least desire.

"Working with a critical pedagogy based on my understanding of Freire's teaching, I enter the classroom with an ass... than a minute ago via Twittelator

"Working with a critical pedagogy based on my understanding of Freire's teaching, I enter the classroom with an assumption that we must build 'community' in order to create a climate of openness and intellectual rigor. Rather than focusing on issues of safety, I think that a feeling of community creates a sense that there is shared commitment and a common good that binds us. What we ideally share is the desire to learn—to receive actively knowledge that enhances our intellectual development and our capacity to live more fully in the world." Hooks

"there can be, and usually is, some degree of pain involved in giving up old ways of thinking and knowing and learn new approaches." Hooksless than a minute ago via Twittelator

@anderscj Is there a kind way to advocate a dialectic of intellectual unease?less than a minute ago via web

I feel bad because I still have not answered Jack. Anyone have an answer to this question?

"new ways of knowing may create estrangement where there was none." Hooksless than a minute ago via Twittelator

@anderscj "new ways of knowing. . .estrangement" I know this concept - what's the best avenue for the estranged?less than a minute ago via web

@lookforsun IDK. Exhile? Life as a hermit? What do you think?less than a minute ago via Mobile Web

For some reason this passage has made me think of Obi Wan Kenobi, living in exile. I often feel like those of committed to real education will soon have to follow a similar suit.

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