Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Weekly Tech Tip: Collaborative & Crowdsource Mapping

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@ToughLoveforX @anderscj The arts are basic skills, basic forms of expression. They belong in every school, for every child.less than a minute ago via web Favorite | Retweet | Reply

@DianeRavitch Maybe it's time to inform #parents that they can opt their kids out of #standardizedtests -- especially unreasonable onesless than a minute ago via web Favorite | Retweet | Reply

I know it's an April Fools joke, but this crap from Fordham comes across as bitter (and a bit mean spirited): http://t.co/1Epe9Nfless than a minute ago via Twitter for Mac Favorite | Retweet | Reply

It takes an amazing salesperson to sell free or very low cost technology when the competition can sell glitz & glitterless than a minute ago via web Favorite | Retweet | Reply

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