Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Twitter Book Club: David Tyack & Larry Cuban's (1995) Tinkering Toward Utopia - Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Reinventing Schooling

"In a mission with such high stakes, many leaders thought it time to bypass traditional educators and to ask busine... than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

"Faith in electronic pedagogy has returned again and again." Tyack & Cubanless than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

& it's usually ill-placed faith RT “@anderscj: "Faith in electronic pedagogy has returned again and again." Tyack & Cuban”less than a minute ago via Twitter for iPhone Favorite Retweet Reply

"The first stage in reform was to convince citizens that the present system of schooling was inefficient, anachroni... than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

@anderscj sounds a lot like the hyperbolic rhetoric we hear in today's world, no?less than a minute ago via Twitter for iPhone Favorite Retweet Reply

@anderscj I love Larry Cuban. Do you follow his blog?less than a minute ago via Twitter for iPhone Favorite Retweet Reply

@jerridkruse I read it occasionally. I am on the fence regarding Cuban. I see him often as an uber-pessimist but often right.less than a minute ago via Twitterrific Favorite Retweet Reply

@jerridkruse I also think he misses quite a bit. Like the difference between schooling & education for example.less than a minute ago via Twitterrific Favorite Retweet Reply

@jerridkruse I also feel he desires a return to non-institutional forms of schooling but all his work shows how it can't be done.less than a minute ago via Twitterrific Favorite Retweet Reply

@jerridkruse I get very depressed reading his work.less than a minute ago via Twitterrific Favorite Retweet Reply

@jerridkruse not for most, but there will always be underserved & under-representedless than a minute ago via Twitterrific Favorite Retweet Reply

@anderscj sometimes I feel same as him. Overly pessimistic, but fear I'm right ;).less than a minute ago via Twitter for iPhone Favorite Retweet Reply

@anderscj thats fair. But would argue his focus is on schooling.less than a minute ago via Twitter for iPhone Favorite Retweet Reply

"Advocates of technology sometimes promised 'teacher-proof' instruction (as if machines and software were free-stan... than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

"Business-oriented reformers adopted economic terms when they discussed schools, using words like 'productivity,' '... than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

"The hope that a few demonstration lighthouse schools would become models to transform entire school systems rarely... than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

"When business leaders fell out of favor during the Great Depression, for a time so did much of the impulse to emul... than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

"it did become clear that effective teaching of educationally disadvantaged children was no simple matter to be sol... than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

"In the top-down process of advocating and implementing technology, teachers were rarely consulted, though it was m... than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

"Teachers have regularly used technologies to enhance their regular instruction but rarely to transform their teaching." Tyack & Cubanless than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

@anderscj @courosa I AM GUILTY OF THIS - please expand on this idealess than a minute ago via TweetDeck Favorite Retweet Reply

@siwels196 @courosa read Seymour Papert's The Children's Machineless than a minute ago via Twitterrific Favorite Retweet Reply

@anderscj @courosa wow from 1993? I wonder if there has been an updateless than a minute ago via TweetDeck Favorite Retweet Reply

@siwels196 @courosa no update needed. That book rings truer today than it did 18 years ago.less than a minute ago via Twitterrific Favorite Retweet Reply

RT @anderscj: @siwels196 @courosa read Seymour Papert's The Children's Machine -> A gift: than a minute ago via HootSuite Favorite Retweet Reply

RT @anderscj: @siwels196 @courosa read Seymour Papert's The Children's Machine -> A gift: than a minute ago via HootSuite Favorite Retweet Reply

@anderscj @courosa that is sad but thank you for the recommendationless than a minute ago via TweetDeck Favorite Retweet Reply

@anderscj: @siwels196 @courosa One more - Papert about Tyack and Cuban ;)less than a minute ago via HootSuite Favorite Retweet Reply

@anderscj: @siwels196 @courosa One more - Papert about Tyack and Cuban ;)less than a minute ago via HootSuite Favorite Retweet Reply

RT @anderscj "Teachers have...used technologies to enhance their regular instruction but rarely to transform their teaching." Tyack & Cubanless than a minute ago via Nambu Favorite Retweet Reply

@anderscj Hey, where is that quote from? cc @Trinejrless than a minute ago via web Favorite Retweet Reply

@TashiaDam Tyack & Cuban (1995) Tinkering Towards Utopialess than a minute ago via Twitterrific Favorite Retweet Reply

@anderscj - jeg arbejder med en lille ting på området, så tusind tak! (troede det var et digitalt quote, men nu kan jeg lede)less than a minute ago via web Favorite Retweet Reply

@anderscj I will find that book!! Thanks to you Techno Constructivist (cool name;)) cc @tashiadamless than a minute ago via Twitter for iPhone Favorite Retweet Reply

So true, sad but true RT @anderscj "Teachers have regularly used technologies to enhance their regular instruc… (cont) than a minute ago via TweetDeck Favorite Retweet Reply

MT via @courosa @anderscj: Teachers hv regularly used technologies 2enhance their regular instruction but rarely 2 transform their teaching.less than a minute ago via Twitter for iPhone Favorite Retweet Reply

"Simply having access to computers and learning to use them as tools is only part of the story of the educational u... than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

"Low-income students are more likely to do drill and practice on computers than to use them for problem solving and... than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

"Computers can communicate efficiently and enhance learning, but often what humans place in them is pedestrian." Tyack & Cubanless than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

"Outsiders' campaigns to create competition among teachers for merit pay and to erect career ladders for them have ... than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

@Yaquesita nice to 2 c Papert made same Papert-Tyack & Cuban connection I did. These texts are great companions. Nice contrast & convergenceless than a minute ago via Twitterrific Favorite Retweet Reply

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