Thursday, July 21, 2011

Twitter Book Club: Deborah Meier (2002) In Schools We Trust - Part Two Chapter 6

Part Two: Testing and Trust

6. Why Tests Don't Test What We Think They Do

"the increasing use of standardized tests both undermines achievement and increases the distrust we have for teache... than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

"What if—in addition —what is being measured on reading and math tests (or any of many other standardized achieveme... than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

"[IQ tests] depend upon a consensus about what is reasonably part of every testee's culture and prior understanding... than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

"Demanding that more kids get higher scores on standardized tests—be they IQ tests or achievement tests—is, under t... than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

"By design, 50 percent of the students' scores will fall below the median—and 50 percent above." Meierless than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

"Isn't it amazing that we have for nearly a half century been promoting a way of measuring school success with an i... than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

"standardized tests are utterly counterproductive for the educational purpose of seeing what kids have learned in s... than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

"These are tests designed to sort people, not to evaluate how well the teacher has taught or how well the students ... than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

"Test reliability requires a fairly clear preconceived idea about who the good students are—those likely, all else ... than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

"At any age, being outside the culture the test is designed to tap imposes a handicap." Meierless than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

"If all testees responded the same way, the question would be a bad item; if the 'wrong' people got it right, that ... than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

"For children, as for adults, not knowing what others take for granted is embarrassing, and silencing." Meierless than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

"To organize schooling around tests is a blow to serious intellectual work; given that no particulars are likely to... than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

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