Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Twitter Book Club: Jonathan Kozol (1991) Savage Inequalities: Children in America's Schools - Chapter 6

Chapter 6
The Dream Deferred, Again, in San Antonio

"As soon as Californians understood the implications of the plan—namely, that funding for most of their public scho... http://t.co/tgpiglLO 14 days ago via Twittelator · powered by @socialditto

"Meanwhile, for the children of the rich and very rich in California, there is still an open door to privileged adv... http://t.co/ejvDSutU 14 days ago via Twittelator · powered by @socialditto

Yeah, and then the donors to those non-profit companies get to take a further deduction on their taxes for donating money to a public school.

"equity in education represents a formidable threat to other values held by many affluent Americans. It will be res... http://t.co/INj0vF0P 14 days ago via Twittelator · powered by @socialditto

I've been looking for a good place to embed this video on my blog. This seems like as good a place as any:

"There is a deep-seated reverence for fair play in the United States, and in many areas of life we see the conseque... http://t.co/g1HP7Cn4 14 days ago via Twittelator · powered by @socialditto

"There is a deep-seated reverence for fair play in the United States, and in many areas of life we see the consequences in a genuine distaste for loaded dice; but this is not the case in education, health care, or inheritance of wealth. In these elemental areas we want the game to be unfair and we have made it so; and it will likely so remain." Kozol
Wow! Just think of all the attacks and arguments over the last few years about health care reform.

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