Friday, October 14, 2011

Twitter Book Club: Robert L. Fried (2005) The Game of School - Chapter 3

Chapter Three:
Being Curious, Feeling Powerful, and Telling the World What You Know

"I see kids hooked by an intense curiosity, drawn by an enhanced sensory awareness of the natural world around them... 64 days ago via Twittelator · powered by @socialditto

"I see kids hooked by an intense curiosity, drawn by an enhanced sensory awareness of the natural world around them, driven by the importance of acting as explorers and scientists, motivated by an irrepressible urge to share what they've discovered." Fried
I think too often schools forget about this of nature of learning. It is true for adults as well as for children (if it has not been too schooled out of them). This is one reason why I always ask my students to teach me something. Likewise, I always tell the students that if they discover something really cool that they should share it with their classmates. In many ways this informal free-form curriculum has begun to overgrow my pre-planned slightly less natural lesson plans. Problem is, under the current system I will be evaluated by how well I plan and deliver my lessons and how well students learn what has been prescribed for them. A pill I have to pretend to take and have to at least pretend to be administering.

"We have opted not to create schools as places where children's curiosity, sensory awareness, power, and communicat... 64 days ago via Twittelator · powered by @socialditto

"We have opted not to create schools as places where children's curiosity, sensory awareness, power, and communication can flourish, but rather to erect temples of knowledge where we sit them down, tell them a lot of stuff we think is important, try to control their restless curiosity, and test them to see how well they've listened to us." Fried

I intend to create this at least in my classroom.

"Children's awareness of the power that accrues from having information of interest to others is apparent...But all... 64 days ago via Twittelator · powered by @socialditto

"Powerless students often learn only that learning in school has little to offer them." Fried 64 days ago via Twittelator · powered by @socialditto

"how can we teach the incurious? How can we awaken those whose senses have been dulled by the monotony of schoolwor... 64 days ago via Twittelator · powered by @socialditto

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