Monday, October 17, 2011

Twitter Book Club: Seymour Sarason (2004) And What Do You Mean by Learning? - Chapter 11

Chapter Eleven:
What Is Missing in a Voucher Policy?

"If those who govern you do not and cannot know you, the needs and liberties of the governed are at best endangered... 45 days ago via Twittelator · powered by @socialditto

"The word education is not in the constitution. That was not an oversight. It was literally inconceivable to the fr... 45 days ago via Twittelator · powered by @socialditto

"Many people today regard educational reform as a hopeless endeavor but not a serious one because somehow or other ... 45 days ago via Twittelator · powered by @socialditto

"It has long been a feature in education that innovations are either not subjected to any prior trial before wholes... 45 days ago via Twittelator · powered by @socialditto

"If in an educational free market nothing is said to help the customer make a more informed choice consistent with ... 45 days ago via Twittelator · powered by @socialditto

"Teaching is not and cannot be a science" Sarason 45 days ago via Twittelator · powered by @socialditto

"In the last year or so the refrain is 'We need better qualified teachers.' What is meant by better and qualified is never defined." Sarason 45 days ago via Twittelator · powered by @socialditto

@anderscj does this apply to free schools? 45 days ago via Twitter for Android · powered by @socialditto

@Safraze I don't know. Sarason was referring to the educational rhetoric as a whole. I suppose to some extent free schools are exempt. 45 days ago via Twitterrific · powered by @socialditto

@Safraze but, then free schools are often outside the sphere of national rhetoric anyway. 45 days ago via Twitterrific · powered by @socialditto

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