Monday, December 20, 2010

Twitter Book Club: @alfiekohn The Schools Our Children Deserve (1999) - Ch 5

Getting School Reform Wrong:
The Arrogance of Top-Down Coercion

"There are basically two ways to change what happens in schools. The first might be called the support model, and t... than a minute ago via Twittelator

"Unfortunately, we humans just don't respond very well when people do things to us rather than working with us." Alfie Kohnless than a minute ago via Twittelator

@anderscj Kohn is speaking directly to my soul right now...having my first real road-blocks w/ top down hoopla.less than a minute ago via web

"When teachers are told exactly what and how to teach, when they feel pressured to produce results, they in turn te... than a minute ago via Twittelator

I think this last quote is critical:
"When teachers are told exactly what and how to teach, when they feel pressured to produce results, they in turn tend to pressure their students. That is exactly what another study found: teachers who felt controlled became more controlling, removing virtually any opportunities for students to direct their own learning." Alfie Kohn

RT @anderscj: When teachers are told exactly what and how to teach, when they feel pressured to produce results, they than a minute ago via web

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