Monday, December 20, 2010

Twitter Book Club: @alfiekohn The Schools Our Children Deserve (1999) - Ch 6

Getting Improvement Wrong:
Confusing Harder with Better

"To focus on raising standards is, in effect, to ignore most aspects of the status quo and, therefore, to preserve them." Alfie Kohnless than a minute ago via Twittelator

"The opposite of retention, we might say, isn't social promotion but the willingness to look for deficiencies in th... than a minute ago via Twittelator

RT @anderscj: "The opposite of retention, we might say, isn't social promotion but willingness 2 look 4 deficiencies AMENless than a minute ago via HootSuite

"I'll tell you something I've noticed from visiting a lot of American schools: the more traditional the teacher, th... than a minute ago via Twittelator

"I'll tell you something I've noticed from visiting a lot of American schools: the more traditional the teacher, the grimmer the mood. These classrooms don't always resemble Dickensisn factories, mind you, but if you watch the kids' faces (or the teachers'), the phrase 'joy of discovery' probably won't leap to mind." Alfie Kohn

I've noticed this too.

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