Thursday, February 3, 2011

Equity Issues in Technology and Education - February 24th Event Announcement

I am real excited about an event I have been coordinating on February 24th at Hamline University. As part of both my role at EMID 6067 and my role at Hamline University and through the grant funding that brought me to EMID this year we are hosting a day-long symposium on equity issues in technology and education. We are also partnering with the Office of Equity and Integration to provide free admission and pay for a sub for teachers in our 10 member districts:
The event is also open to anyone else who would like to attend for a fee of $75. (Click here to register.) Space is limited to 150 people.

We will also be streaming our morning sessions and at least one of our afternoon sessions online using Elluminate. Anyone can attend for free online and we will do our best to make sure any questions for our panelists posted online are addressed at the event. (Click here to attend online).

S. Craig Watkins will be keynoting the event in the morning followed by a panel discussion featuring Ira Socol, Cassie Scharber, and Daniel Sellers. The afternoon will be filled with two sections of break-out sessions, one preset and the other attendee driven. For one of these sessions we will even have a third grade class come and hold class at our event. We often hear that students should be involved with teacher professional development but it rarely gets done. We are going to give it a try.

For more information about the event visit our official event website:

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  1. What a GREAT event and reason to gather! I look forward to hearing what solutions are presented!

  2. Looking forward to it! Is there a Twitter hashtag for the event?

  3. I am using #TechEquity as the hashtag.
