Thursday, February 3, 2011

MNOLA Presentation - New Additions to the Digital Backpack

I just finished putting the finishing touches on my slide deck for the second presentation I am doing at the Minnesota Online Educators Association Conference on February 18th. I am presenting two sessions that day, one in the morning on "The Real Disruptive Innovation" and the other in the afternoon on "New Additions to the Digital Backpack." I figure after lunch people won't be hungry enough for the fruit further up on the tree so an online tool smackdown is appropriate.

Last year I presented a session at this conference on my favorite tools in the Digital Backpack that have potential to enhance online instruction titled, "Cloud Computing: Survey of Online Applications for Education." So this session is not necessarily the best tools but new ones that I've come across since this time last year. I introduced Seymour last year as a virtual co-presenter when I gave this presentation. Seymour is a pompus and demeaning know-it-all superhero who really thinks he knows more than he really does. I created Seymour in Xtranormal and used Vuvox to build the presentation, both tools I wanted to share in that presentation.

I took the same approach to this year's toolscravaganza session using Jog the Web to build my slide deck and eTrade babies to help me co-present on this topic. I figured this would fit well since the babies and the tools would be roughly the same age. If you are interested in seeing my slide deck for this presentation visit:

Tools shared in this presentation include:
  1. Jog the Web
  2. Oddcast Widgets
  3. TodaysMeet
  4. Twiddla
  5. surf2gether
  6. MeetingWords
  7. VozMe
  8. iPadio
  9. Weebly
  10. Storybird
  11. HistoryPin
  12. Wallwisher
Tools I shared in last year's presentation included:
  1. Xtranormal
  2. Vuvox
  3. Vocaroo
  4. Aviary
  5. Screencast-o-matic

What other web tools should I share?

1 comment:

  1. Great lineup of tools! What a great idea to "copresent" with the etrade babies, bet that kept people on their toes ;)
