Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Twitter Book Club: Jonathan Kozol (1972) Free Schools - Chapter 6

Hard Skills In General: White Anguish: Black Despair

"I nonetheless believe very strongly that it is unwise and generally not to the advantage of poor children to have ... http://tl.gd/9bud5cless than a minute ago via Twittelator

"I would like to join in campaigns of obstructive, meddlesome and—wherever necessary—illegal civil disobedience in ... http://tl.gd/9bug1oless than a minute ago via Twittelator

I love this quote:
"I would like to join in campaigns of obstructive, meddlesome and—wherever necessary—illegal civil disobedience in the offices of the men who govern and control the Educational Testing Service." Kozol

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