Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Twitter Book Club: Jonathan Kozol (1972) Free Schools - Chapter 7

Permanent Struggle: Location: Life-Style: Confrontation

"Free Schools cannot function as life-giving and impassioned organizations if they do not have the means or will to... http://tl.gd/9cfmbnless than a minute ago via Twittelator

That is a somewhat depressing thought.

"The taste of revolution, the breath of promise it brings to our troubled lives, confirms the sense of desperation ... http://tl.gd/9cfp5qless than a minute ago via Twittelator

"How can the Free School achieve, at one and the same time, a sane, on-going, down-to-earth, skill-oriented, sequen... http://tl.gd/9cft21less than a minute ago via Twittelator

@anderscj the civilized aspects will occur organically if enough time is granted, perhaps that is a big part of todays probs?less than a minute ago via web

@mnphysicist yeah, not much patience anymoreless than a minute ago via Twitterrific

"If, on the one hand, the hang-loose hippie dialect represents a jargon of centrifugal release from sanity and hone... http://tl.gd/9cfv2mless than a minute ago via Twittelator

"The ideal location for a Free School born of the frustrations and the discontents of ten years' struggle to transf... http://tl.gd/9cg1bvless than a minute ago via Twittelator

This quote has been ringing in my ear for the last few days. Lets repeat it:
"The ideal location for a Free School born of the frustrations and the discontents of ten years' struggle to transform or liberate the public school is not across the city but across the street from that old, hated, but still-standing and still-murderous construction." Kozol

"The farther the distance from the place of pain, the less the reason to remember the oppressor's eyes or to be cog... http://tl.gd/9cg30uless than a minute ago via Twittelator

"Most public schools, and a large number of the Free Schools too, nourish an atmosphere which is devoid of almost a... http://tl.gd/9cg8tcless than a minute ago via Twittelator

So true:
"Most public schools, and a large number of the Free Schools too, nourish an atmosphere which is devoid of almost all true, credible experience and in which only arduous simulations of real processes take place. The ultimate paradox to which such gruesome institutions finally arrive is the introduction of that paradigm vehicle of school-delineated alienation: 'the simulation game.' We close the windows, pull down the blinds, ventilate the air, deflect the light, absorb the sound, regattas the heart and neutralize the soul; and then we bring in 'simulation games' to try to imitate the world we have, with great care and at such consummate expense, excluded." Kozol

"When we forget the enemy's name, we turn our guns upon each other." Kozolless than a minute ago via Twittelator

"It seems to me of great importance that we do not forget how to get very, very mad, and at which people." Kozolless than a minute ago via Twittelator

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