Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Twitter Book Club: Jonathan Kozol (1972) Free Schools - Chapter 13

Warehouse Bookstore: Rehab Housing: Franchise Operations

"Every dollar, every dime and every penny in an unjust nation is, in some fashion, 'impure' or 'contaminated' or 'i... http://tl.gd/9dlvealess than a minute ago via Twittelator

"Every dollar, every dime and every penny in an unjust nation is, in some fashion, 'impure' or 'contaminated' or 'immoral.' The question is whether the Free School keeps on begging for the proceeds of injustice or whether it learns the way to earn those proceeds of injustice or whether it learns the way to earn those proceeds on its own and in its own terms." Kozol
I wonder how many Free Schools managed, or still manage, to be self-sustaining? Is this possible? Would politicians decry conflict of interest? It's hard enough to start a business that sustains one family, let alone a whole school. And, if students are employed to work in that business won't it come under attack for violating child labor laws? In the meantime it is perfectly OK for schools to funnel money to testing and publishing companies or to send kids door to door selling magazines or grossly inflated tins of peanut brittle and wrapping paper so that their club or activity can continue to be allowed to meet in the public school. Usually when a student brings me one of those pamphlets full of over-priced "goodies" and asks me if I would like to buy some crap to support their program I ask them how much of my money will go to their club. They usually don't know. I always tell them to go find out and come back and that I will donate the money of mine they would have received. They never come back but I still refuse to contribute to this form of exploitation.

Correct me if I am wrong.

1 comment:

  1. Child labor laws kill off many kids interests in a subject matter... yet its seemingly fine to turn them into sales agents for these so called fundraising outfits.

    I too have asked youngsters about the percentage their org gets, and likewise they never return. I wonder whats up with that.
