Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Twitter Book Club: Jonathan Kozol (1972) Free Schools - Chapter 12

Research and Exploitation: Living Off the Surplus of the Universities

"It is very difficult, often impossible, to raise the money to feed people who are starving. It is much, much easie... http://tl.gd/9dlgo7less than a minute ago via Twittelator

"It got so that they could make two hundred dollars in a day retailing stories they had learned by listening to the... http://tl.gd/9dli1jless than a minute ago via Twittelator

"The basic rule of thumb for oppressed peoples, in a time of social revolution, is not to go out into the hills and... http://tl.gd/9dllhrless than a minute ago via Twittelator

"It is not difficult from this to gain the powerful impression that the true purpose of research is not to determin... http://tl.gd/9dlr6hless than a minute ago via Twittelator

I often worry if this is really what my current position is all about:
"It is not difficult from this to gain the powerful impression that the true purpose of research is not to determine the proper steps that must be taken in order to go about a realistic plan of action but rather to keep a number of intelligent people occupied for a reasonable period of time with a plausible sense of honorable intention and, at the same time, to maintain them with a reasonable income." Kozol

1 comment:

  1. No doubt its one of the best article , i really enjoyed to read it.
