Friday, May 13, 2011

Twitter Book Club: Grace Llewellyn (1991) The Teenage Liberation Handbook - Part 5

Part Five—The Lives of Unschoolers

39. The guinea pig chapter

No real tweetable quotes in this chapter. It mostly is an anthology of unschooling stories. Nice read and interesting look into the lives of many. Necessary for a book like this.

40. Your allies among the rich and famous

No real tweetable quotes in this chapter either but there is a list Llewellyn gives of famous people who never finished school or never really received much schooling that is interesting and I presume would be eye-opening to many who view schooling as an integral component of societal progress.

41. The life freestyle: Seth Raymond

"The Raymonds belong to a homeschool group with the local school district's stamp of approval; the district pays a ... than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

I wonder how many school districts have arrangements like this today. Seems pressures of NCLB would prevent many districts from taking on such an arrangement with homeschoolers. But, it would be a great way of improving education both for those who homeschool (or unschool) and those who attend school as it would increase the possible resources for both groups.

42. The journal, etc., of Ms. Kim Kopel, Autodidacy

"I don't want to have a teacher pour knowledge into my brain—knowledge that someone else decided I should have." Llewellynless than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

Finished reading The Teenage Liberation Handbook. There were many times I felt like giving up, quitting, dropping-out but I stuck it out.less than a minute ago via Twittelator Favorite Retweet Reply

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