Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Are My Eyes Bigger Than My Stomach?

I've been busy. I've got a lot on my plate right now. May was crazy and June is turning out even crazier. With all the craziness I have not found time to blog in almost a full month. Here is what I have on my plate:
  1. Job Search - My current position is grant funded and the funds run out June 30th. This is consuming much of my evenings and weekends.
  2. Grant Evaluation - I'm currently employed under an Edtech ARRA federal grant meaning loads and loads of data and analysis to be done in the final evaluation report.
  3. Finishing up the semester - Many of you know that I moonlight as an online teacher for Minnesota Connections Academy. Today is the last day of the school year for them which is always super busy and crazy trying to get caught up on projects and paperwork; even for an adjunct teacher.
  4. Starting Summer School - This will be my third year teaching summer school for National Connections Academy. Our online school does summer school a little different than traditional brick and mortar schools--we overlap summer and the end of the school year. This is done to keep students who have either accelerated through their lessons too fast or have given up because they were failing from being truant. It works out well and makes sense but it makes for a lot more work in those two weeks.
  5. Consulting with a group (I hope I can announce publicly soon) working to put together an technology-enhanced inquiry curriculum for schools both in the U.S. and abroad. This is an exciting venture I really hope I can discuss on my blog soon.
  6. Getting ready for two presentations at ISTE in Philadelphia. One on Technology-Enhanced Formative Assessment and the other titled "The Fix Is In: Social Mobilization and School Reform."
  7. Planning and Coordinating a conference/unconference in July at Hamline. (for details on this look for my next blog post).
So, all of this is very exciting and nerve racking and full of uncertainty. Hopefully I will get around to writing again very soon. For now, I have been loading up my plate because honestly, I don't really know where my next career meal will be coming from.

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