Monday, January 10, 2011

Twitter Book Club: Thomss J. Sergiovanni (1992) Moral Leadership: Getting to the Heart of School Improvement - Ch 3

The Sources of Authority for Leadership

"Leaders prefer that the led do not ask 'why' questions." Thomas J. Sergiovanniless than a minute ago via Twittelator

@anderscj "Leaders prefer that the led do not ask 'why' questions." Thomas J. Sergiovanni #leadershipchatless than a minute ago via web

The why question has gotten me in my share of trouble.

"When we base our leadership practice on bureaucratic authority, teachers respond appropriately or face the consequ... than a minute ago via Twittelator

Isn't this exactly what all U.S. schools have been made to respond to under NCLB? Perhaps the hallmark of a strong leader in the age of NCLB is to what extent they shield their teaches and students from this unsavory mess from above.

"When we base our leadership practice on psychological authority, teachers are supposed to respond to our personali... than a minute ago via Twittelator

"When we base our leadership practice on [technical-rational or 'Instructional Leader'] authority, we expect teache... than a minute ago via Twittelator

As a teacher-researcher I am conflicted with this one. I do like research and I like for it to inform my practice. But, the field of education is too vast and too complex for even a large body of evidence to paint a full picture. There are just too many variables for there ever to be any definitive "best practice" or "research-proven" formula. In fact, if anything there is probably more evidence to back this statement than any amount of research pointing to one strategy or one curricula as a silver bullet.

"The true leader is one who builds in substitutes for 'follow me' leadership, which enable people to respond from w... than a minute ago via Twittelator

"When leadership practice is based on professional authority, teachers can be expected to respond to common sociali... than a minute ago via Twittelator

"When leadership practice is based on moral authority, teachers can be expected to respond to shared commitments an... than a minute ago via Twittelator

"Teaching cannot be standardized. Like other professionals, teachers cannot become effective by following scripts. ... than a minute ago via Twittelator

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