I use my blog for a lot of things (Twitter Book Club, Weekly Tech Tips, Updates to the Digital Backpack, etc.) But, I do write a lot of posts that are reflective and editorial in nature. What follows are what I feel have been some of my stronger editorial posts over the past three years:
- The following posts were part of my "War on Words" series:
- "Best Practice" or just "Broadest Generalization?"
- "Child-Centered" Killed by Repetition
- What do you mean when you say "Value Added?"
- Who is Accountable?
- Making the wrong "Data-Driven Decisions"
- Whose learning objectives are they?
- A 21st Century Post
- Who is learning personalized for?
- Mission Accomplished: Declaring the end of major operations of "Student Achievement"
- Is it "online learning" or "online schooling?"
- Waiting for The Wizard of Oz
- Funding Imbalance in MN Schools
- How tenure gave rise to Teach for America
- Curriculum Standards (Circa 1890)
- Is the Superman metaphor appropriate for school reform?
- The Death of Subjective Values
- My reply to Grant Wiggins
- #edchat You Ain't Got No Pancake Mix!
- An Invitation Letter to Parents
- Allegory of the Classroom
- What Education Needs is a Darth Vader Figure
- Here is your assignment, if you choose to accept it.
- Is Technology Blaspheme?
- A Denominator of Many - Teacher Professional Partnerships
- Post #ISTE10 reflection
- Social Media Political Engagement
- Counter Cultures in the Classroom
- The Real Disruptive Innovation
- "Passions shift in young people. This defies programing."
- The corporate confusion machine
- Does technology integration necessarily mean more technology in the classroom?
- Texas School Board Curriculum Survival Kit
- Science Fact or Science Fiction
- Open Letter to Diane Ravitch
- The following posts were part of a series highlighting sections of the 1995 Congressional Hearing on Technology in Education:
- Robert Mendenhall on Technology in Education
- Seymour Papert on motivation & education research
- Rep. Mark Foley's reaction to Papert, Kay, Dede, & Shaw
- Kay on Motivation, Papert on how schools discriminate against learners, and Dede on social learning
- Kay & Papert throw Rep. Lynn Woolsey under the bus
- Alan Kay & Seymour Papert on teachers as learners vs curriculum implementation
- Papert vs. Shaw on cost of putting computers in schools
- Rep. William Goodling on Curriculum
- Chris Dede on School Change
- Houston, we have a problem (and a solution)!
- Stager, Papert, & the War Path
- Throwing Diana Senechal "Under the Bus" Part 2
- Throwing Diana Senechal "Under the Bus"
- Maybe the problem is we call it School
- Throw Me Under The Bus
- Will you be my digital identity's valentine?
- Filling the Production Gap
- Highlights and reflections from FRONTLINE's Digital Nation
- COPPA Law & the Production Gap
- Inherit the Wind and Schools Today
- Belief to Behavior and the clash of Social Media
- Literacy 2.0
- Off the Grid
- What is the Purpose of School?
- Manditory Summer School?
- Social Networking: An Evolution in Communication Media
- The Case for Charters, Part 4: Disruptive Innovation: Why Traditional Ed Is Ill-Suited For Change
- Moving Into a New House: Framing the Case for Charter Schools Part 3
- Moving Into a New House: Framing the Case for Charter Schools Part 2
- Moving Into a New House: Framing the Case for Charter Schools Part 1
- What will schools look like in ten years?
- How is Education a Civil Rights Issue?
- What is 21st Century Education?
- Embracing Disruption
- This Will Not Be On The Test
- What is Online Learning Anyway?
- What Are Schools For?
- Professional Responsibility - If You Are A Teacher
- Budget Cuts, Disruptive Innovation, and a Solution for Public Schools
- Consequences of Digital Illiteracy
- What is Technology?
- RE: So Digital Natives Don't Exist?
- Engagment as Consumers or Engagemnt as Producers
- Student Centered Pedagogies - Part 4
- Student Centered Pedagogies - Part 3
- Student Centered Pedagogies - Part 2
- Student Centered Pedagogies - Part 1
- School Boards - Are They Still Relevant? Are They The Appropriate Vehicle to Address 21st Century Issues
- Techno Lust
- Mandating Participation - What Exactly Are We Trying To Achieve
- Prensky Rubish? A Response to a Skeptical Nativedel.icio.us - A Can of Worms?
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